What is the difference between an intellectual, factual knowledge of God and the actual change that occurs when you enter into an intimate relationship of love with Jesus?

Matthew Braden, a devoted servant of the Lord, explores that question in this heartfelt work, emphasizing that true faith means more than believing you are guaranteed a place in heaven. He illustrates that it is not enough to simply know all the right answers or to be born into a “Christian” home.

He looks back on how he lost his way after growing up in the church, giving in to “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life” (1 John 2:16). All the while, he would have claimed that he loved God. But time slowly uncovered the reality that his “Christian” life was just a veil for the sin that held him captive.

The author reveals how the Holy Spirit ignited his faith, challenging his heart with questions such as:

What does it really mean to love God?
What does true, saving faith in Jesus Christ look like?
How can you engage in authentic discipleship?

Matthew uses many thought provoking questions to challenge his readers to examine what they believe and how it affects the way they live. He also notes that choosing to put your faith in Jesus and surrender your will is not an intellectual determination—it is a decision of the heart.