Matthew Braden

Matthew Braden is a dedicated six-year student of God’s Word. His education began at the church he attends regularly today. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in business from Towson University in 2019 and went on to pursue more Bible-centered education through Men with a Mission, a three-year intensive discipleship class led by Pastor Wally Webster. The program equips men to properly exegete the Scriptures and trains them to become effective disciple-makers in the community and leaders in the church. At Mount Airy Bible Church (MABC), Matthew consistently serves in the music ministry and teaches adult Sunday school classes on various topics.

Matthew has authored this first book with one goal in mind: to help others see their true and total need for Jesus. His desire to see others receive Christ is driven by his own story filled with confusion, doubt, and questioning. Matthew grew up attending MABC and eventually came to a place where he questioned his faith and Christianity as a whole. Since then, Matthew has sought out the truth about God and His Word and has come to know the Lord in a true and personal way. In his writing, Matthew presents the truth of God’s Word through deep study and meticulous exegesis in the hopes of introducing his readers to the one, true, and living God.